pecorino petnat

Pecorino Wine Petnat

APPELATION wine petnat  pecorino

GRAPES Pecorino

PRODUCTION AREA municipality of Canosa Sannita, at 300 M A.S.L. exposed to southeast. The vineyards are located in the agricultural landscape at the slope of the Majella Park where the millennial presence of men has preserved an agricultural biodiversity elsewhere disappeared.

HARVEST handpicked in wooden boxes and in willow and cane baskets.

SOIL The soils are of medium mixture tending to calcareous and have retained their natural fertility thanks to the poor exploitation of the soil by man.

IN THE VINEYARD Marabelle vineyard is an element of great agronomic and naturalistic value. The sheeps provide the natural and smart control of native spontaneous flora and the natural fertilization bringing the animal spirit in the vineyard. Machining is minimized. From the location of the vineyards on one side of the mountain it is easy to understand that from a phytosanitary point of view the plants require little intervention and they are related only to the use of copper.

GRAPE ORIGIN  The origin of the name is to be attributed to a wine that was made in Malta. It was a fine product marketed from Venice. The many grapes denominated Malvasia have so much in common only the name, deriving from the greek city of the Peloponneso Monenbasia that means “Port with one entrance”, a city that, by assonance with the greek name, was rebatched by the venians “Malvasia”.

IN THE CELLAR The ancestral sparkling wine technique is based on stuck tank fermentation at a sugar content (cooling of the must at 6°C and 18 G/LT residual sugar) that guarantees after bottling the frothing without the addition of sucrose. The wine re-ferments in the bottle and the maturation of the sparkling wine takes place “Sur-Lie” i.e., on its own yeasts that give it a cloudy and opaque appearance, in contrast to the brilliance and brightness of the bubbles of conventional sparkling wines. Sparkling wine obtained by the “ancestral technique” is not to be confused with brut nature, pas dosè or zero dosage sparkling wines as these involve the addition of sucrose in refermentation for frothing.

SIGHT antique gold with glints of orange color.

NOSE endowed with a rich and complex aromatic bouquet. Wide Spectrum of floral terpenes against delicately spicy background and herbaceous and hydrocarbon notes.

TASTE fresh and aromatic on the palate, good length and pleasantly savory.


N.B. I RECOMMEND IT PAIRED with appetizers and raw fish, shellfish, but also to sip with Risottos or delicate pastas, first and second fish dishes.